Members Click Here

We sell information. Once purchased its yours.

May I cancel my subscription?

Yes at any time. Keep in mind we limit Membership. There is not guarantee of availability to join later at, providing both Offshore and Inshore coordinates.

Do you host special events?

We Do. We host events in the areas we serve. Keep your eyes open!

What are your hours?

Its not uncommon for us to work 12 hour days. The shop is open 9-5 for communication. We like to fish too.

Do you have ReefSpot.Life hats and shirts?

We will be adding gear to our store gradually. Keep an eye out!

Does support conservation?

Sure it does! We plan to deploy reefs in certain locations as we grow. We limit Membership. This is why you better get your spot at, offering Offshore and Inshore coordinates.

How long can I subscribe?

Subscriptions are for one year. Once that period is over, that’s a wrap for a bit. We believe that by managing access to our numbers we practice conservation.

What if i cancel my subscription, can i start it back up?

It’s just like when hunting public land, first come first serve. We will not retain, reserve or hold any subscriptions after cancellation.

Do you guarantee your numbers?

We guarantee you a more productive and fun day on the water. is providing Offshore and Inshore coordinates and so much more to enhance your experience.

Can I get more numbers?

For more features and locations upgrade to Captains Coordinates VIP.

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